Friday 12 April 2013

Homosexuality Debate Hot In Zambia

Although we condemn homosexuality, we do not agree that police had the right to arrest and deprive Mr. Kasonkomona his inalienable right to liberty.
Just because we do not agree with gaysim does not mean that anybody who advocates it should be jailed or hounded out of society.
The police have no right to deny anybody freedom of expression however objectionable and revolting the views. The police have a right to arrest those who commit an offence, in this case- sodomy or what ever women do.
For all we know Mr. Kasonkomona may not be a homosexual he may simply be an advocate who feels very strongly about the subject.
We must admit that the debate on homosexuality is now out of the closet and is getting more heated by the day
As expected the majority of Zambians are totally opposed to the practice and many other do not even want to debate the matter. As far as they are concerned homosexuality is a vile and obnoxious practice that should not exist.
We totally agree. The practice is most certainly not natural although not alien. Homosexuality has been in existence for as long as humanity has existed. The Bible is replete of stories, which naturally have attracted condemnation.
The main bone of contention is that the practice is adopted through socialization and could, with the right, treatment go away.
Others will swear that it is a psychological condition into which one is born and no matter the socialization or curative attempts the condition can not be reversed.
A team of international researchers has completed a study that suggests we will probably never find a ‘gay gene.’ Sexual orientation is not about genetics, say the researchers, it’s about epigenetics. This is the process where DNA expression is influenced by any number of external factors in the environment. And in the case of homosexuality, the researchers argue, the environment is the womb itself.
Research suggests that a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental (biological and social) factors determine sexual orientation.
Whether or not the condition of homosexuality if reversible or not is a matter that will continue to serve as a potent issue of debate for as long as humanity exists.
Meanwhile as Zambians we have to note that this debate is not peculiar to Zambia alone, it is worldwide.
In the church the debate continues to be  furious. The Anglican church has suffered serious schisms and splits as some of the churches in the United States have appointed gay Bishops.
In the United States of America, same sex marriage has been allowed in some states, while other conservative states have outlawed it.
In South Africa same sex marriages continue to cause revulsion, debate and wide opposition and yet more couples tie the knot to express their deep seated emotional feelings.
In Zambia we know that homosexuality exists, practiced by some of the elite but also some not so elite traditional communities through  same sex marriages especially among women.
Given the rather inconclusive nature of studies and realities how then do we treat homosexuality?
Somehow we should find a consensus amongst ourselves.

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