Thursday, 16 May 2013

Two Men Experience the Pain of Childbirth in Hourlong Simulation

So who has it worse, men or women? In the ongoing battle of the sexes, there has always been a debate on who feels more pain. That is the question that the Kensington Church set out to solve with a new video that discusses one very specific type of pain: childbirth.
At the beginning of the video, two men walk side by side and one says, "Did you know that according to women, childbirth is the worst kind of pain there is?" The other man says, "And did you know according to women, that us men can't handle any of it?" The men also mention that they think women are exaggerating the pain associated with giving birth.
So the two men visit Dr. Julie Masters, who places electrodes on their abdomens to simulate the contractions experienced in labor. Before the simulation begins, as Dr. Masters explains what's about to take place, one of the guys even says, "That sounds fun!"
Then the simulation starts. Each man groans, hisses and moans as the constant pain continues. The two men's wives are in the room during the simulation, and they try to coach them through it. The men try to breathe through the pain, but eventually just give in to it and surrender to the process. One guy notices that his wife seems to be enjoying his misery, and he tells her to "stop smiling."
It is clearly not a pleasurable experience for the men, but for the wives it's comical, as they get a little bit of payback for what they've gone through in delivering their children. Maybe these guys should have reconsidered that whole "exaggerating" idea.
After the simulation is over, one man says, "That was not good." The other follows with, "It sucked!" That same man adds, "Mom, if anything that I just experienced is anywhere close to what I did to you, all those years ago, I'm sorry. You're like a superhero. You're one tough mama. Happy Mother's Day!"
Now that the two men have endured the simulation, their gratitude to their wives and their own mothers is on a whole new level. Guess you could even say that they got gut checked—pun intended.

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