Friday 12 April 2013

How to Handle a Difficult Boss.............................

Document everything that you feel is relevant to your concerns with your boss. You may want to purchase a pocket planner so that you can enter the issues on the appropriate dates. Keep this private. You don't want to pull put the planner and scribble notes in front of him because that will cause more anger. You are keeping notes for your own sake, so that you have all your concerns backed up with facts.

Refrain from becoming emotional during any discussions with your boss. Even if your boss becomes emotional, you want to maintain your professional manner so that he cannot use anything against you. Note that your boss may become even more aggravated by your calm and professional demeanor, and if this is the case, explain to your boss that you would like to continue the conversation, but the last thing you want it to upset him, so suggest picking up the issue at a later time.

 Be prepared to discuss criticism of yourself when approaching a difficult boss with concerns. Of course you have issues that you may want to discuss personally, but if he feels that you are criticizing him, he may turn the tables and place the focus on you. If this is the case, be professional. Listen to his concerns and tell him that you appreciate his feedback and that you will work on the issues, and then politely return to the problems you have.

 Understand that you cannot change your boss. If your boss is characteristically difficult to handle, not just for you but for others, then the likelihood of him changing is minimal. If this is the case, use the opportunity to simply make him aware of your issues. At least he cannot say that he was never informed of your concerns.

 Remain professional when confronting your boss, even if you feel your blood boiling. Maintain a calm manner and be prepared to listen to any gripes or lectures that he may want to share with you.

 Never go over your boss' head if you have a concern. Not only will this cause hostility between you and your boss, but your boss' boss may refer you back to your boss, which may result in an even more unreceptive situation.

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