Wednesday 13 November 2013


Are you afraid that you're going about life all wrong? Do you want to do whatever you can to increase your chances of living a long, happy, fulfilling life? Read below for some basic advice on how to succeed and improve your life.

1.Stop blaming others and making excuses. It really doesn’t make a difference if the problems in your life were caused by someone else. It really doesn’t matter if circumstances in your life make it difficult or almost impossible for you to succeed. You are the only person you can rely on to fix your problems. If you want things to be better, you have to make them better. 

2.Stop procrastinating, Don’t keep telling yourself that you will go back to school next year or that you’ll study tomorrow or that you’ll apply for that job next week. Putting things off is a sure-fire way to make sure things don’t get done or get done poorly. Tackle problems and tasks early, to give yourself more time to do them properly and excel at what you do. 

3. Build your skills. Study hard in school and then spend the rest of your life dedicated to becoming better and better at whatever you do. Being good at what you do is the surest way to succeed and create circumstances in which you can better your life.
  • Take extra classes and training once you’ve settled into a career to refresh your skills and learn the latest techniques and practices.
  • Practice job skills outside of work and use the internet to find helpful techniques and tricks.
  • Talk to the masters to get helpful advice and learn from their experience.
4.Take car of your body, You don’t want to put in all this effort and not be able to do anything because you’re held back by health problems. Take care of your body by eating right, exercising, and keeping clean. See a doctor when you have problems and make use of preventative care. This will help keep problems from arising and dealing with any problems early will help solve them before they get out of hand.

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